Re: [Bug 24928] the spec defines the addtrack event as part of the MediaStream interface, but never calls out when the event should be fired.

On 7 March 2014 09:33,  <> wrote:
> I noted that the MediaStrem() constructor, which takes an other MediaStream or
> a sequence of MediaStreamTracks, ignores ended tracks when constructing the
> track set of the new stream. Should we do the same here or throw? I think it's
> could be motivated to throw for addTrack() since you're only adding a single
> track. The ignore-approach for the constructor acts like a filter for ended
> tracks since several tracks can be added at once.

I don't think that we should do anything about this.

Your proposal here couples the state of a track to whether it is part
of a stream.  That doesn't seem right, or useful.

I'll also note that since the state of a track that is part of a
stream can change to ended without triggering removal, this would
result in this causing an inconsistency in how we deal with this.

Received on Friday, 7 March 2014 09:44:51 UTC