Re: A proposal for getUserMedia constraints based on the consensus reached in the DC interim

On 06/10/2014 03:12 PM, cowwoc wrote:
> On 10/06/2014 6:42 AM, Harald Alvestrand wrote:
>> Some comments on thread:
>> - I have come to like "advanced" because the name tells you "unless 
>> you've read the documentation, you have little chance of figuring out 
>> what goes on here". Sad in a way, but realistic, and useful.
>> - "exact" is better than "required" because "min" and "max" are also 
>> required, so we shouldn't be using that word for something different
> I think you're missing the parameter name with its attributes, which 
> brings me to another point I didn't mention: consider flipping "exact" 
> and "environment" so "environment" can be assigned one or more 
> attributes, where "required" is one of them. This would actually be 
> more consistent with "min" and "max" in that the latter will have an 
> implicit "required" associated with them.

Like Peter, I don't want to make changes just for the sake of making 
What is the use case for which this will make a difference?

(I can't parse the comment - "environment" is a value of the facingMode 
constraint, while "exact" is a token of the proposed syntax; flipping 
them doesn't make sense to me)

>> - the WebIDL already permits multiple DOMString values in "exact" and 
>> "ideal"
> Multiple values is one thing, ordered is another.

For ordered, I think we want to direct people to use "advanced".

> Gili
>> On 06/09/2014 11:08 PM, Peter Thatcher wrote:
>>> At the interim meeting in DC, we reached a consensus for a form of 
>>> getUserMedia constraints that has the following form:
>>> var supports = DeviceManager.getSupportedConstraints("video");
>>> if(!supports["aspectRatio"] || !supports["facingMode"]) {
>>>   // Treat like an error.
>>> }
>>> getUserMedia({“video”: {
>>>   “width”: {"min": 320, “ideal”: 1280, “max”: 1920},
>>>   “height”: {"min": 240, “ideal”: 720, “max”: 1080},
>>>   // Shorthand for ideal.
>>>   “framerate”: 30,
>>>   // "facingMode": "environment" would be optional.
>>>   “facingMode”: {"exact": “environment”},
>>>   "advanced": [...]
>>> }}, ...);
>>> And the following rules:
>>> 1.  "min", "max", and "exact" are required, except when in the 
>>> "advanced" list.
>>> 2.  "ideal" and a bare value or list of values are optional.
>>> 3.  The browser indicates what it supports via 
>>> DeviceManager.getSupportedConstraints, which the JS can use to make 
>>> sure the browser supports a certain constraint before trying to use it.
>>> Here is an example of "I want 720p, I can go up to 1080p, and I can 
>>> go down to VGA":
>>> getUserMedia({“video”: {
>>>   “width”: {"min": 640, “ideal”: 1280, “max”: 1920},
>>>   “height”: {"min": 480, “ideal”: 720, “max”: 1080},
>>> }}, ...);
>>> Here is an example of "I want camera X, ideally with VGA":
>>> var cameraSourceId = ...;
>>> getUserMedia({“video”: {
>>>   "sourceId": {"exact": cameraSourceId},
>>>   "width": 640,
>>>   "height": 480
>>> }}, ...);
>>> Here is an example of "I want a front-facing camera and it must be 
>>> VGA":
>>> var supports = DeviceManager.getSupportedConstraints("video");
>>> if(supports["facingMode"]) {
>>>   getUserMedia({“video”: {
>>>     "facingMode": {"exact": "user"},
>>>     "width": {"exact": 640},
>>>     "height": {"exact": 480}
>>>   }}, ...);
>>> }
>>> Here is an advanced example of "I want 4k, then 1080, then 720p, and 
>>> nothing else".
>>> getUserMedia({“video”: {
>>>   "advanced": [
>>>     {"width": 4096, "height": 2160},
>>>     {"width": 1920, "height": 1080},
>>>     {"width": 1280, "height": 720}
>>>   ]
>>> }}, ...);
>>> I have looked through the existing WebIDL, and I believe this is 
>>> would be the best way to structure the new WebIDL.  Note the 
>>> assumption that there is a "DeviceManager" to be added before this:
>>> partial interface DeviceManager {
>>>   // Keys are constraint keys, and truthy values = supported and
>>>   // untruthy values = unsupported.
>>>   static Dictionary getSupportedConstraints(DOMString kind);
>>> }
>>> dictionary MediaTrackConstraints : MediaTrackConstraintSet {
>>>     sequence<MediaTrackConstraintSet> advanced;
>>> };
>>> dictionary MediaTrackConstraintSet {
>>>     ConstrainLong            width;
>>>     ConstrainLong            height;
>>>     ConstrainDouble          aspectRatio;
>>>     ConstrainDouble          frameRate;
>>>     ConstrainVideoFacingMode facingMode;
>>>     ConstrainDouble          volume;
>>>     ConstrainLong            sampleRate;
>>>     ConstrainLong            sampleSize;
>>>     boolean                  echoCancelation;
>>>     ConstrainDOMString       sourceId;
>>> };
>>> typedef (Long or ConstrainLongRange) ConstrainLong;
>>> typedef (Double or ConstrainDoubleRange) ConstrainDouble;
>>> typedef (DOMString or sequence<DOMString> or 
>>> ConstrainDOMStringParameters)
>>>   ConstrainDOMString;
>>> typedef (VideoFacingModeEnum or sequence<VideoFacingModeEnum> or
>>>   ConstrainVideoFacingModeParameters) ConstrainVideoFacingMode;
>>> dictionary ConstrainLongRange {
>>>     long max;
>>>     long min;
>>>     long exact;  // new
>>>     long ideal;  // new
>>> }
>>> dictionary ConstrainDoubleRange {
>>>     double min;
>>>     double max;
>>>     double exact;  // new
>>>     double ideal;  // new
>>> };
>>> // new
>>> dictionary ConstrainDOMStringParameters {
>>>   (DOMString or sequence<DOMString>) exact;
>>>   (DOMString or sequence<DOMString>) ideal;
>>> }
>>> // new
>>> dictionary ConstrainVideoFacingModeParameters {
>>>   (VideoFacingModeEnum or sequence<VideoFacingModeEnum>) exact;
>>>   (VideoFacingModeEnum or sequence<VideoFacingModeEnum>) ideal;
>>> }
>>> Note that it's possible, according to the type system, to have 
>>> "exact" and "ideal" in "advanced", which doesn't make sense 
>>> according to the algorithm.  But making that not possible 
>>> complicates the types a lot, which probably isn't worth it. It would 
>>> be much more simple to put a check in the runtime rather than the 
>>> type system to disallow that.
>>> Now, two questions:
>>> 1.  Does everyone like these details?
>>> 2.  What are the next steps to add text and get in the spec?

Received on Tuesday, 10 June 2014 14:18:44 UTC