Re: [Bug 22214] How long do permissions persist?

On 2 June 2014 09:42, Harald Alvestrand <> wrote:
> The WG has repeatedly rejected having more API surface to manipulating
> permissions, so "getUserMedia" and "track.close" are the two controls we
> have; my proposal would be making the last one a no-op, permission-wise.

Yes, I object to this.

I think that this more easily leads to the surprising situation where you can:

a) have the camera turn on at some future point in time

and perhaps more seriously:

b) have a different camera turn on

Both of which I find highly objectionable.

I understand that you would have the "passive" indicator present for
the duration, but that's still pretty surprising.

I need to understand how you might need this capability.  I understood
Justin's mute scenario well enough.  Can you actually make a case for


p.s., track.close() releasing permissions is a perfectly good API
surface.  Why would you suggest that we need a different surface?

Received on Monday, 2 June 2014 18:51:30 UTC