Re: Bare constraint values - KISS

On 7/10/14 4:20 AM, Stefan Håkansson LK wrote:
> The original motivator for constraints was actually for selection, so
> you have a point. But then it was more about selecting the right device
> of a certain kind, e.g. the right camera (that it should be a camera was
> identified by "video"). I am not sure we should build on it to also
> select between e.g. camera and screen as source.

Then why did we call it 'audio' and 'video' rather than 'microphone' and 

>> Full disclosure: I've disliked bare-values-mean-ideal since the interim
>> for their semantic complexity and unintuitiveness, so adding this issue
>> to the pile of concerns with it is affirming to me that we're better off
>> with a plainer syntax that can be leveraged this way.
> (I've come to believe that we should remove "bare" altogether. It has a
> small convenience gain, but given the confusion it creates I doubt it is
> worth it. But I hesitate to talk about this since I don't want to break
> any consensus.)

I agree about the confusion, but I think this largely started with the 
ideal/exact default inversion. That inversion was motivated by utility, 
at the cost of confusion. The opposite is extremely simple, if unclear 
because of all the legacy. We could rename 'advanced' back to 
'optional', which might help underscore that mandatory has just been 
hoisted one level up.

> Yes, but the difference is that if bare means "required" you'd be looked
> out of the service. If it means "ideal" you'd not be.

But you'd get the wrong thing instead. For things like aspect and 
facingMode, this may not be desirable. I think we're mixing web 
developer and end-user here. Yes, gum fails, but that's for the web 
developer to deal with, and they may try again with different 
constraints. Only if the web developer did a poor job would the symptoms 
you mention follow, and the best way to ensure that the developer does 
it right is to make the syntax as simple to understand and as 
predictable as possible. I too have had concerns about mandatory in the 
past, and I share your concern a little bit, but I think these 
particular training-wheels get in the way of driving.

.: Jan-Ivar :.

Received on Thursday, 10 July 2014 13:25:43 UTC