webidl types left to be inferred around constraints

The spec still leaves several types to be inferred by the implementer 
around constraints:

1. In [1]:
> partial interfaceMediaDevices  {
>      staticDictionary getSupportedConstraints  (DOMString  kind);

"Dictionary" is not defined. To implement this, we'd need something like:

   dictionary SupportedMediaTrackConstraintSet {
       boolean width;
       boolean height;
       boolean  aspectRatio;
        boolean  frameRate;
        boolean  facingMode;
        boolean  volume;
        boolean  sampleRate;
        boolean  sampleSize;
       boolean echoCancelation;
        boolean  sourceId;
        boolean  groupId;
       //basically a boolean rehash of MediaTrackConstraintSet

   staticSupportedMediaTrackConstraintSet  getSupportedConstraints  (DOMString  kind);

or simply:

   staticMediaTrackConstraintSet  getSupportedConstraints  (DOMString  kind);

since UAs can return non-zero values in MediaTrackConstraintSet just fine!

2. In [2]:
> interfaceMediaStreamTrack  :EventTarget  {
>      ...
>      Capabilities          getCapabilities ();
>      MediaTrackConstraints getConstraints ();
>      Settings              getSettings ();

Capabilities and Settings are not defined in this use ofthe 
Constrainable pattern. To implement this, we'd need something like:

   dictionary MediaTrackSettingSet {
       long            width;
       long            height;
       double          aspectRatio;
       double          frameRate;
       VideoFacingMode facingMode;
       double          volume;
       long            sampleRate;
       long            sampleSize;
       boolean         echoCancelation;
       DOMString       sourceId;
       DOMString       groupId;
       //basically a bare-value rehash of MediaTrackConstraintSet

   interfaceMediaStreamTrack  :EventTarget  {
       MediaTrackConstraintSet  getCapabilities ();
       MediaTrackConstraints   getConstraints ();
       MediaTrackSettingSet     getSettings ();

or simply:

   interfaceMediaStreamTrack  :EventTarget  {
       MediaTrackConstraintSet  getCapabilities ();
       MediaTrackConstraints   getConstraints ();
       MediaTrackConstraintSet  getSettings ();

since UAs can return bare values in MediaTrackConstraintSet just fine!

3. In the Constrainable Pattern in [3]:
> Capabilities are dictionary containing one or more key-value pairs, 
> where each key must be a constrainable property defined in the 
> registry, and each value must be a subset of the set of values defined 
> for that property in the registry. The exact syntax of the value 
> expression depends on the type of the property but is of type 
> ConstraintValues . The Capabilities dictionary specifies the subset of 
> the constrainable properties and values from the registry that the UA 
> supports.

Typo: "Capabilities are dictionary" -> "Capabilities is a dictionary". 
Importantly, all capabilities are in one dictionary.

The type "ConstraintValues" is not defined anywhere. Do we mean "members 
of ConstraintSet" here? If so, that makes Capabilities of type 
ConstraintSet, yet we're leaving that deduction to the reader. IMHO 
prose and examples are no substitute for definitions.

4. In the Constrainable Pattern in [4]:
> A Setting isa dictionary containing one or more key-value pairs. It 
> must contain each key returned in |getCapabilities()|. There must be a 
> single value for each key and the value must a member of the set 
> defined for that property by |capabilities()|. The |Settings| 
> dictionary contains the actual values that the UA has chosen for the 
> object's Capabilities. The exact syntax of the value depends on the 
> type of the property.

Typo: "A Setting isa dictionary" -> "Settings is a dictionary". 
Importantly, all settings are in one dictionary.
Typo: "the value must a member" -> "the value must be a member"

We're leaving the reader to deduce that Settings is a bare-values-only 
subset of ConstraintSet. IMHO prose and examples are no substitute for 

5. In the Constrainable Pattern in [5]:
> typedef Dictionary ConstraintSet;

"Dictionary" is not defined, and even if it were, it wouldn't have the 
right members, so a typedef infers the wrong thing. We could say:

dictionary ConstraintSet { /* members */ };

6. In [6]:
> dictionary MediaTrackConstraintSet {
>     ConstrainLong            width;
>     ConstrainLong            height;
>     ConstrainDouble          aspectRatio;
>     ConstrainDouble          frameRate;
>     ConstrainVideoFacingMode facingMode;
>     ConstrainDouble          volume;
>     ConstrainLong            sampleRate;
>     ConstrainLong            sampleSize;
>     boolean                  echoCancelation;
>     ConstrainDOMString       sourceId;
>     DOMString                groupId;
> };

groupId seems to have the wrong type. Why not ConstrainDOMString groupId ?

.: Jan-Ivar :.

[1] http://dev.w3.org/2011/webrtc/editor/archives/20140817/getusermedia.html#mediadevices-interface-extensions
[2] http://dev.w3.org/2011/webrtc/editor/archives/20140817/getusermedia.html#media-stream-track-interface-definition
[3] http://dev.w3.org/2011/webrtc/editor/archives/20140817/getusermedia.html#capabilities
[4] http://dev.w3.org/2011/webrtc/editor/archives/20140817/getusermedia.html#settings
[5] http://dev.w3.org/2011/webrtc/editor/archives/20140817/getusermedia.html#constraints
[6] http://dev.w3.org/2011/webrtc/editor/archives/20140817/getusermedia.html#dictionary-mediatrackconstraints-members

Received on Tuesday, 19 August 2014 01:50:09 UTC