Re: [Bug 23128] Add an explicit "get access to media" call

On 6 September 2013 15:00, Jan-Ivar Bruaroey <> wrote:
> If getUserMedia returned muted streams which may contain something valuable
> later, then browsers can defer bothering the user until there's a need.
> This untangles the UX from the API, and lets browsers manage their users
> without encumbering the web-developer.

I think that you are describing something very much like what was in
the settings API proposal

is 404.

Here's the basic idea:

  var video = new VideoMediaStreamTrack(videoConstraints);
  var audio = new AudioMediaStreamTrack(audioConstraints);
  var stream = new MediaStream([video, audio]);
    // -> go and use the stream for signaling setup etc...
  navigator.getUserMedia(stream, callback, err);  // this just
connects the tracks to active sources

Of course, it's trivial to support the old API style if you don't care
for the extra work:

  var constraints = { video: videoConstraints, audio: audioConstraints };
  navigator.getUserMedia(constraints, callback, err);

There are two key aspects to this arrangement: the consent dialog is
directly connected to an application need and the consent dialog is
only invoked once there are user visible consequences.  Remove either
and the value of the consent degrades.  As roc observes, this doesn't
prevent greedy applications from being greedy, but we have other
measures to control that.

There are other interaction models that produce better consent, but
those are probably overkill for this particular use case.  (They might
not be for something like screen capture though.)

Received on Friday, 6 September 2013 22:35:05 UTC