Re: [Marketing Mail] Re: MediaStream Recording : record() method

On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 12:02 PM, Jim Barnett <>wrote:

> Question: if we decide to add the concept of ‘warnings’ (as opposed to
> errors), should the UA raise a warning if the app specifies a value outside
> the platform-specific limits?

We already do have the concept of warnings. Section 5.1: "If a non-fatal
error occurs during recording, the UA SHOULD raise a recordingwarning
event, with data indicating the nature of the problem, and continue

At this point, it is then up to the UA to treat platform constraint
violations as either fatal or a warning. (I'm reluctant to do that in the
spec, since it might well depend on the implementation)

 - rachel

Received on Tuesday, 3 September 2013 20:43:55 UTC