gUM constraints webidl implementer feedback

Hi all,

I took notes while implementing the beginnings of gUM constraints in 
Firefox (just one: facingMode, at the moment), and I've been meaning to 
post my feedback. They're in engineering-style bullet-points, so my 
apologies in advance for the terseness (these are all requests for spec 

 1. Maybe list audio before video? dictionaries get alphabetized, so why
    fight it :-) i.e.
      * (boolean or MediaTrackConstraints) audio = false;
      * (boolean or MediaTrackConstraints) video = false;

 2. Our WebIDL compiler complained about this in the spec (so I had to
    remove the '?'):
      * error: An argument cannot be a nullable dictionary or nullable
        union containing a dictionary
         1. void mozGetUserMedia(MediaStreamConstraints? options,

 3. And this:
      * error: Dictionary MediaTrackConstraints has member with nullable
        dictionary type
          o MediaTrackConstraintSet? mandatory = null;
     1. Dictionary entries are inherently optional, so having them
        nullable as well seems redundant. Ditto for default value.
     2. Same for optional

 4. Why not THROW on unsupported mandatory constraints? Our generated
    webidl bindings already throw for us on various syntax and type
    errors, and this way, should webidl ever grow, say, an extended
    attribute feature that make a dictionary throw on unknown entries,
    then we could use it out of the box (right now they're ignored,
    which is a problem - see below).

 5. Why not allow multiple keys in each object in the optional array?
      * When implementing this, it became obvious pretty soon that
        reusing the sameapply() function for optional constraint entries
        as for the mandatory constraints was desirable.There's really no
        cost to implementation of doing this. In fact, I found there to
        be a high cost of implementation to consider anything else.
        That's because it would need to be spec'ed if you ask webidl
        guys. These guys are extremely pedantic about processing models
        in JS (for good reason: two ways of doing things in JS are never
        the same, which means side-effects and security issues w.r.t.
        malignant objects must be nailed down). So reusing the
        established dictionary processing model here seems like a win.

      * Here's how I implement it today in webidl:
          o // MediaTrackConstraint = single-property-subset of
            // Implemented as full set. Test Object.keys(pair).length == 1
            typedef MediaTrackConstraintSet MediaTrackConstraint;

 6. Mandatory constraints aren't implementable as webidl dictionaries.
      * We're supposed to detect unknown mandatory constraints and fail
        on them, but webidl dictionaries /silently ignore/ unknown keys!
        To work around this problem, I had to alter the API to take the
        mandatory member as a plain object (which makes our webidl
        security guys' neck-hair stand up, but it's ok), like this:
          o dictionary MediaTrackConstraints {
                 object mandatory; // so we can see unknown +
            unsupported constraints
                 sequence<MediaTrackConstraint> _optional;
      * I then convert it internally to this structure after scanning
        for unknown keys, which should be safe:
          o dictionary MediaTrackConstraintsInternal {
                 MediaTrackConstraintSet mandatory; // holds only
            supported constraints
                 sequence<MediaTrackConstraint> _optional;

In lieu of alternative solutions to number 6, I'd like to see the spec 
be explicit about what's needed to implement this as it stands.

.: Jan-Ivar :.

Received on Tuesday, 15 October 2013 18:29:07 UTC