Re: [Bug 23263] New: Add output device enumeration to GetSources

I tend to agree. It feels odd that getSources() is a method of
MediaStreamTrack and not Navigator. Navigator represents 'the identity and
state of the user agent', which seems a reasonable fit, alongside
getGamepads() and guM.

On 4 October 2013 18:04, Martin Thomson <> wrote:

> On 4 October 2013 04:45, Adam Bergkvist <>
> wrote:
> > Should getDevices() still hang of MediaStreamTrack now when we have
> > introduced output devices as well? Perhaps it should be a sibling to
> > getUserMedia() on Navigator?
> I think that navigator.get[User]MediaDevices() sounds like an
> excellent idea, if only for symmetry.  Maybe drop the "User" to keep
> it manageable in size.

Received on Friday, 4 October 2013 17:19:11 UTC