Re: How to direct audio/video streams from HTML5 media element to PeerConnection?

On 22 March 2013 13:47, Jim Barnett <> wrote:
> OK, that makes sense.  By the way, though, what is the origin of media obtained from gUM?  Is it considered to be the same as the origin of the page, or is it some unique identifier of the user's local system?  The later, I would think, but I don't see it specified in the gUM spec.

There are two modes.  By default, media is treated as having come from
the same origin.  This allows full access to content.

The peerIdentity constraint places the media in another origin,
blocking access to content.  I'm not sure about the status of this
constraint.  We discussed it in Lyon and nothing much has changed on
the technical front.

Received on Friday, 22 March 2013 21:31:52 UTC