Re: Screen capture

Yeah, I find that particular use case less compelling than a "help my
technically-challenged family member diagnose what is wrong with their

In any case, if we don't want to do this now, then it's OK to defer it.

(I was reading the IETF requirements doc, which has a similar requirement.)

On 30 January 2013 06:43, Jim Barnett <> wrote:
> This is what's in the (unpublished) revised requirements draft (of which I am custodian).  It does call for general-purpose screen capture, but I wonder if we really want to tackle this:
> 5.1.1 Showcase demo on local screen (screen as an local media input source)
> During the video conference call, Amanda invites a member of the product development team to demonstrate a new visual design editor for the prototype. The design editor is not yet finished, but has the UI elements in place. It currently only compiles on that developer's computer, but Amanda wants the field agents' feedback since they will ultimately be using the tool. The developer is able to select the screen as a local media source and send that video to the group as he demonstrates the UI elements.
> - Jim
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martin Thomson []
> Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 4:22 PM
> To:
> Subject: Screen capture
> I was just reading the use cases and requirements again and this one jumped out at me:
>    F30             The browser MUST be able to use the screen (or
>                    a specific area of the screen) or what a certain
>                    application displays on the screen to generate
>                    streams.
> I don't believe that there is a way to express this in the getUserMedia API.  I believe that there was some talk of pulling media from a <video> tag, but that doesn't seem quite sufficient.  Is this an issue we want to address?
> Capturing content that is not normally visible to the application introduces some interesting questions.

Received on Tuesday, 29 January 2013 21:49:45 UTC