Re: Bug 23934 - Proposal: Always launch permission prompt to avoid leakage

+1 on all of Eric's points.


On 11/12/2013 5:27 AM, Eric Rescorla wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 6:16 PM, Adam Bergkvist
> <> wrote:
>> On 2013-12-10 02:26, Eric Rescorla wrote:
>>> For the record, I am opposed to this entire piece of Jan-Ivar's proposal.
>>> As has been observed many times, there are plenty of opportunities
>>> for fingerprinting and so going through these gyrations to make
>>> it fractionally more difficult is silly.
>> I think there's more to this than only protecting against fingerprinting.
> Perhaps, but the only argument I have heard for why this needs to
> be a specification requirement is fingerprinting.
>> IMO, prompting for the getUserMedia() *request* itself, not only if some
>> devices survived the exclusion process have benefits.
>> * More consistent behavior when no devices pass the constraints. When this
>> happens in our current model, the user can be presented with anything from
>> nothing, the app just halts, to a detailed explanation of what went wrong;
>> depending on how the app is programmed to handle this case. You could argue
>> that the app that does nothing is badly written (and I agree), but if we can
>> make users lives better even in these cases I think we should.
> I totally disagree. This is a programming environment and it's not
> the browser's job to displace the programmer.
>> * We could offer alternative actions when no devices pass the constrains.
>>   - Ask the user to connect a new device.
>>   - Offer the user to select a media file that will act as a device (This has
>> been a use-case from very early on).
>>   - Give the user the option to report, to the app, what went wrong so it can
>> explain in detail why you don't have the hardware required.
> These are all fine things, but they are exactly the kind of fine things that
> the app knows better than the browser manufacturer to offer
> -Ekr

Received on Wednesday, 11 December 2013 23:36:06 UTC