Re: Proposal: Explicit "Get access to media" call

I think something along these lines could be the right thing to do. The 
dual role of getUserMedia is not ideal.

On 2013-08-29 14:38, Harald Alvestrand wrote:
> One of the problems with the current method of getting access to media
> is that it occurs as a side effect of a call done for other purposes
> (GetUserMedia).
> The parameters for this aren't ideal to determine the full range of
> permissions that a page would want - for instance, a page might first
> open a video device, and later open an audio device separately; in our
> current models, that would give 2 permissions prompts.
> Instead of doing it this way, we could make an explicit call:
> void GetMediaPermissions(Permissions permissions,
>                              successCallback, errorCallback)
> Permissions = enum(
>    "videoInputDevices",
>    "audioInputDevices",
>    // and maybe extend this to
>    "deviceEnumeration",
>    "screenCapture",
>    "windowCapture",
>    ....
> )
> The UA could then use the list of permissions requested to construct an
> appropriate UI element for asking permission from the user (or use a
> stored permissions model to grant access immediately, if that's the
> Right Thing).
> In any case, all programs that know what class of permissions they want
> can get those permissions with one call, one prompt, no matter what they
> do later.
> For backwards compatibility, getUserMedia would be documented to have an
> implicit call to GetMediaPermissions "behind the curtains".
> Does this make more sense?
> Harald

Received on Thursday, 29 August 2013 14:10:27 UTC