Output device enumeration

Justin's proposal for this is perfectly sound, but - again - it raises
the question about how much we want to leak in terms of fingerprinting
surface and - under the assumption that this is "as little as
possible" - what we plan to do to bridge the gap between unusable and
fingerprinting extravaganza.

(This is probably the wrong venue for this, so I'll forward as
appropriate, at least sharing it here gets to some of the right

For *input* device enumeration, we reached a place where you could
obtain a list of abstract device identifiers.  This would, to all
intents, limit the knowledge an application could gain to the number
of devices.  Unless that application had previously been given access
to device information and the device identifiers hadn't been reset.
Applications are given access to more complete device information when
they are given access to a device.  So that knowledge is good until
the user resets the device identifiers, which share fate with cookies.

I am going to propose that a similar scheme be used for output device
enumeration.  This presents a challenge though, because there isn't
necessarily an analogous consent event to getUserMedia() for output
devices, which would enable the lifting of the kimono.  But it is
possible that such an event is unnecessary in this particular case.

So, here's the proposal.  <audio> and <video> tags have a readable and
writable attribute that identifies the device that the media is being
played to.  Then there's Justin's proposed getMediaSinks() interface
for enumerating these identifiers.  And from a standardization
perspective, that's it.  No permissions to access the content, and no
extra features.

The real problem that this doesn't solve is the attachment of
user-friendly labels to devices (as much as the label my operating
system gives to my headset is friendly).  And that's probably OK.  The
browser might provide a way for users to select where media is
directed, probably only for audio, and probably in the same place it
would provide feedback about the origin (not web origin) of the

A site can train itself on what devices to use in various ways and
then remember user preferences.

I'm open to suggestions on what event might be considered a
kimono-lifting event, such that the device information could be
augmented with labels and other such niceties.  I remain opposed to
doing the whole "ask the user" thing all over.  We know the quality of
the consent is poor, and it further trains users to click through
these things.

Received on Wednesday, 28 August 2013 15:47:31 UTC