Re: new draft of recording

On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 12:43 AM, Jim Barnett <>wrote:

>  ** **
> OK I guess. What about stop, pause and resume?
> >> They’re part of the same use case that Travis described – letting the
> UI provide feedback about when recording is actually happening.

The thing is that, bearing in mind the firing of the events can be delayed,
they're not perfectly accurate anyway. So are you saying that in typical
implementations, there *has to be* a long (order of seconds, I guess) delay
between calling pause() and recording actually pausing? And ditto for
resuming and stopping?

> ****
>    At one of our prior F2F meetings, one of the use cases for warnings
> was to alert the user if the inbound stream configuration changes in such a
> way that could still be supported by the recorder, but might be something
> the code would want to respond to. For example, new tracks being
> added/removed while recording.****
>  ** **
> That's covered by track add/remove events already specced on MediaStreams.
> ****
> >>  It’s a more complicated case than that.  Whether a track can be added
> to a recording that’s underway depends on the track type and the mime
> type.   So the add/remove track events are not sufficient by themselves.

Then I think we should have a specific API for that which allows the app to
determine which track(s) aren't being recorded. It could be a specific
unsupportedtrack event, or we could let the app listen for the addition of
a new track, and provide an API on the StreamRecorder to check whether a
MediaStreamTrack is being recorded by the recording. Maybe the latter is
better since it would also be useful for the case where a newly-created
StreamRecorder can't record all the existing tracks.

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Received on Tuesday, 2 April 2013 20:15:28 UTC