First agenda draft f2f TPAC


we've put together a draft agenda for the f2f meeting, see below. Please 
let us know what you think. Should something be removed, something added?

Also, we have proposed who will be responsible for each session. If you 
have been assigned to something you for some reason don't want to do 
please let us know. Also, if you would like to be involved in the 
preparation of one or more sessions, let us know that.

Stefan for the chairs

* media-capture (Tuesday after lunch): 1300-1800
* privacy - Dom, Anant
** fingerprinting again
** UI dialogues
** Access to all devices of the same type without extra user consent

* constraints and settings - Dan, Travis
** at getUserMedia time
** later
** memory effect

* handling of removeTrack - Harald
** empty indices or not?

* integration with media element (revisit) - Jim, Stefan
** src/createObjectURL vs srcObject attribute
** Compatibility with resource fetch alg
** Relation between MediaElement track lists and MediaStreamTrack(List)s

* Coffee break 1500-1530 (people may leave for WebIntents at this point)

* Media Capture 1530-1800

* recording (using remaining time) - Jim, Travis
** Stream level, Track level or both?
** JS-driven pull-data or event-driven push-data?

* end of meeting

Received on Wednesday, 17 October 2012 12:32:22 UTC