Re: mplementation suggestions

Le jeudi 07 juin 2012 à 08:32 -0700, Anant Narayanan a écrit :
> > If this is something that should be enforced, it sounds like it
> > shouldn't be a mere suggestion, but a requirement?
> The problem with enforcement is that these requirements are very 
> specific to web browsers only, and are not applicable to other kinds of 
> user agents

I think we should focus on browsers, but even if we don't, we can always
make requirements for a specific class of products.

>  (or even browsers that don't have a concept of tabs!).

Rather than talking of tab, we should be taking of top-level browsing
context (or maybe just browsing context if the requirement applies also
for nested browsing context).


Received on Thursday, 7 June 2012 15:39:25 UTC