Re: Proposal for device "enumeration"

On 7 December 2012 10:52, Travis Leithead <> wrote:
> since you have to presumably first perform some setup (involving requesting, gathering source capabilities, etc.) before remembering a given deviceId, it may be OK to _only_ disclose deviceIds once you have a source device, and not before (say using the static method). If this is the case, then the current v5 proposal of returning a number of devices still makes sense from a discoverability standpoint. Does that make sense?

It would *almost* be sufficient.  It is useful to know if a specific
device (one that you remembered previously) is present so that you can
ask for the right one, though chaining constraints could be enough,
direct knowledge is easier if you want to avoid many-layered
constraint build-up.

Received on Friday, 7 December 2012 20:08:33 UTC