Re: Handling device permissions

On 4/16/2012 11:11 AM, Josh Soref wrote:
> Paul wrote:
>> I have a few questions regarding the following media capture use cases:
>> - Should users be able to change the device to another camera/microphone after a call to getUserMedia?
> I'd like them to be able to.
>> How can this changeover be handled by JavaScript?
> My preference is for there to be no indication, as I don't see any reason for the application to care. If someone has a use case where they feel that having the input source changing will be negatively affected, I'd like them to present it.

Sure.  I have two cameras.  One is facing me, one is facing the view. I 
want to broadcast the view to a friend.  The app calls getUserMedia(), 
and I select the back camera (and implicitly approve).  I would be very 
peeved if the application transmitted the front-camera view to anyone 
without my ok-ing it, perhaps majorly so depending on the situation.

There are plenty of equivalent scenarios.  No sending data from a camera 
I did not ok *for this call* for normal apps that have to get permission 
to access the camera/mic.

There may be instances where we've given a certified installed app 
permission to enable cameras on its own (the "skype-like case"); in that 
case we could say we trust the app to ensure user agreement (implied or 
explicit) has been obtained for the camera in question (since it has 
already been trusted with far more dangerous access to the cameras).

Randell Jesup

Received on Monday, 16 April 2012 19:32:53 UTC