Comment to issues in MediaStream Capture Scenarios: Stream re-initialization

Re issues in
on "Stream re-initialization":

Issue: "How shall the stream be re-acquired efficiently? Is it merely
a matter of re-requesting the entire MediaStream, or can an "ended"
mediastream be quickly revived? Reviving a local media stream makes
more sense in the context of the stream representing a set of device
states, than it does when the stream represents a network source. "
[bryan] Reviving a local stream may be more feasible (I dont know) but
seems an unnecessary optimization.

Issue: "What's the expected interaction model with regard to
user-consent? For example, if the re-initialization request is for the
same device(s), will the user be prompted for consent again? "
[bryan] I would hope that consent would not be revoked due to minor
glitches in the stream source connection.

Issue: "How can tug-of-war scenarios be avoided between two web
applications both attempting to gain access to a non-virtualized
device at the same time?"
[bryan] Unless ability to request exclusive access is supported in the
API and the implementation, it will be up to the user to decide
carefully by reviewing the (possibly multiple) prompts.

Bryan Sullivan

Received on Wednesday, 14 December 2011 15:54:59 UTC