Re: User Media Hints

Rich Tibbett wrote:
> We seem to have lost hints in the getusermedia specification. Was the
> ability for a developer to provide a hint for a particular camera (the
> 'user' or 'environment' camera) removed for a reason? In the
> string-based options proposal we had the following:
> e.g. navigator.getUserMedia('video;view=environment', gotMedia);
> Do we have a similar proposal in the object options model? I've included
> 3 models below that we could adopt and I'd be interested if anyone has a
> preferred model at this point that we can agree to implement:
> navigator.getUserMedia({"audio": true, "video": "environment"}, gotMedia);
> navigator.getUserMedia({"audio": true, "video": {type: "environment"}},
> gotMedia);
> navigator.getUserMedia({"audio": true, "video": "environment", "type":
> "environment"}, gotMedia);

There's a typo above. The third proposal should read:

navigator.getUserMedia({"audio": true, "video": true, "type": 
"environment"}, gotMedia);

> br/ Rich

Received on Tuesday, 13 December 2011 15:47:43 UTC