Re: [mediacapture-screen-share] Constraints for Captured Display Surfaces should move to MediaTrackSettings

> That's not a separate thing. "A setting refers to the immediate, current value of the source's constrainable properties". I think "read-only" in this context means OverconstrainedError.

Correct me if I got this wrong. What you are suggesting to still add these properties as a partial dictionary on MediaTrackConstraints, but always return `OverconstrainedError` when these properties are set. MediaTrackSupportedConstraints should include these properties as well, because they can be set. I was thinking it might be confusing for the user, as we are defining but not actually supporting them.  Unless it is necessary for this partial dictionary to be consistent on all these dictionaries.

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Received on Wednesday, 29 August 2018 21:01:53 UTC