Re: [mediacapture-record] ignoreMutedMedia on a combination of muted and unmuted tracks?

The first repeating task will flip the value of `ignoreMutedMedia` 
from true to false. According to the current reading of the spec, MR 
will either ignore a muted track (`ignoreMutedMedia` == true) or 
insert blanks in the recording at the speed of the source 
(`ignoreMutedMedia` == false).

But, IIRC: `MediaStreamTrack.muted` is a read-only attribute that 
doesn't relate to `enabled` (*), so the second line doesn't affect the
 `muted` value, and so renders the behaviour of the lines @jan-ivar 
posted totally dependent on the behaviour of `stream` :smile:

(*) In 
 video `muted` state is updated by monitoring the amount of frames 
passing versus the frame rate.

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Received on Wednesday, 14 December 2016 18:49:54 UTC