[mediacapture-main] PING: Recommend clearing persistent device IDs when clearing cookies

alvestrand has just created a new issue for 

== PING: Recommend clearing persistent device IDs when clearing 
cookies ==
>From Nick Doty:

"To say that such an identifier MUST persist across browsing sessions 
is a guarantee that the requirement won't be satisfied. Many users, 
for example, configure their browsers to delete all cookies on closing
 the browser. How about:
> "Identifiers MAY be persisted across browsing sessions. Persistent 
identifiers let the application save, identify the availability of, 
and directly request specific sources."

Any site that assumes that identifiers will persist will set 
themselves up for failure (for example, when the user clears cookies);
 the spec should not encourage that false assurance."

The spec isn't clear that the IDs should be cleared together with 
cookies. It should be.

See https://github.com/w3c/mediacapture-main/issues/252

Received on Monday, 21 September 2015 10:22:38 UTC