Re: Rights Automation CG Teleconference 2021-07-07 (1100 EST, 1600 BST)

Our agenda for tomorrow is available here<> and copied as text below.

We’re keen to get your feedback on the document so far<> on this list, please.

Many thanks

Rights Automation Community Group
Teleconference 2021-07-07

We are now in the review phase, please send your feedback to the list.

Please send your regrets in advance.

If you are unfamiliar with the W3C you may want to review the orientation guide<>.


Chair: Jo

Known Regrets: Renato

Date: 2021-07-07T1500Z

  *   1100-1200 US Eastern
  *   1600-1700 UK/Ireland
  *   1700-1800 CET

Dial-in Details (Zoom) are on the Calendar Invite<> (group member only link)

Please join by both voice and by IRC (details<>)

IRC Channel: md-odrl-profile, (Web interface<>)


  1.  Admin

     *   Minutes of last meeting<>

  1.  Report from FISD 2021-06-24
  2.  Versioning - Caspar and Nigel
  3.  Identifiers

     *   Caspar’s work
     *   Update from GLEIF

  1.  Feedback on Document
  2.  AOB


Documents and links on the group GitHub pages<>

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Received on Tuesday, 6 July 2021 13:41:47 UTC