Minutes of the W3C Rights Automation Community Group 2021-01-20

Please find the minutes of today’s meeting at https://www.w3.org/2021/01/20-md-odrl-profile-minutes.html and pasted below.

Summary of action items

  1.  Ben to make a note of outstanding tasks and we review and keep track at each meeting<https://www.w3.org/2021/01/20-md-odrl-profile-minutes.html#a01>
  2.  Ilya to see if he can get us a version of the presentation<https://www.w3.org/2021/01/20-md-odrl-profile-minutes.html#a02>
  3.  everyone to contribute their top 5 test cases for us to translate into ODRL - via email on public list<https://www.w3.org/2021/01/20-md-odrl-profile-minutes.html#a03>
  4.  Mark to kick this off and seed the disucssion<https://www.w3.org/2021/01/20-md-odrl-profile-minutes.html#a04>
  5.  Everyone to please review document again and provide feedback on public email list<https://www.w3.org/2021/01/20-md-odrl-profile-minutes.html#a05>
Summary of resolutions

  1.  Accept minutes of last meeting<https://www.w3.org/2021/01/20-md-odrl-profile-minutes.html#r01>

Rights Automation Community Group Teleconference
20 January 2021
adam, alex, ali, atiq, belen, ben, caspar, david_sawkins, fred.schulz, Ilya, jo, josh, laura, mark_b, marko, micahel_agaon, nigel, olga, phil, roy_kaplan
chris_c, renato

  1.  Admin<https://www.w3.org/2021/01/20-md-odrl-profile-minutes.html#t01>
  2.  Discussion of Status<https://www.w3.org/2021/01/20-md-odrl-profile-minutes.html#t02>
  3.  JP Morgan Demo<https://www.w3.org/2021/01/20-md-odrl-profile-minutes.html#t03>
  4.  Discussion of test cases<https://www.w3.org/2021/01/20-md-odrl-profile-minutes.html#t04>
  5.  Second Round of Feedback on Document<https://www.w3.org/2021/01/20-md-odrl-profile-minutes.html#t05>
  6.  AOB<https://www.w3.org/2021/01/20-md-odrl-profile-minutes.html#t06>
  7.  Summary of action items<https://www.w3.org/2021/01/20-md-odrl-profile-minutes.html#ActionSummary>
  8.  Summary of resolutions<https://www.w3.org/2021/01/20-md-odrl-profile-minutes.html#ResolutionSummary>

Meeting minutes



<jo__> Minutes of last meeting:https://www.w3.org/2021/01/06-md-odrl-profile-minutes.html

Resolution: Accept minutes of last meeting

Discussion of Status

Ben: Publishing Standard - ambition end Jan (unrealistic); revised end Q1
… test cases and purposes outstanding.
… work has been fine grained and detailed. Before end Q1 need to show how low level stuff maps back to real world contracts.

Caspar: Second POC delivered by end Feb(hopefully), showing passing of ODRL between components

Action: Ben to make a note of outstanding tasks and we review and keep track at each meeting

JP Morgan Demo

Ilya: outlining scope; using ODRL in policy enforcement for permissions drawn from DACS (for now)

<jo__> (Michael Agaon Presents)

Michael: discusses mapping from DACS permissions into ODRL

Michael: discusses Open Policy Agent and capabilities
… logical diagram of PoC
… demo of system running

<ben> This looks great - but sadly, I've got to drop.

Atiq: where is ODRL adding value over DACS; do you get supplementary informaton from it?

Ilya: not at present but we plan to extend (working with Refinitiv). In the short term we will enrich data using a separate policy store but hope for something more integrated in time.

Roy: Refinitiv are looking at ODRL and what it might mean for the entitlements product strategy

Action: Ilya to see if he can get us a version of the presentation

Discussion of test cases

Mark: asks group to review test cases on github. Which are achievable and most relevant to group participants?

Action: everyone to contribute their top 5 test cases for us to translate into ODRL - via email on public list

Action: Mark to kick this off and seed the disucssion

Second Round of Feedback on Document

Mark: second round review of the ODRL specification draft needs to focus on "Activities"

Action: Everyone to please review document again and provide feedback on public email list


<jo__> Many thanks to JPMorgan for a most interesting discussion

<jo__> Many thanks also to Nigel for his debut scribing appearance

<jo__> -- meeting closed --

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Received on Wednesday, 20 January 2021 17:39:54 UTC