Typos in MBUI - Abstract User Interface Models W3C First Public Working Draft 05 November 2013 [Honeywell Internal]

Classification: Honeywell Internal
It appears that formatting this document for the web resulted in a number of non printable characters (spaces or perhaps carriage returns) being removed from text.  Examples from the second paragraph of the Introduction section are marked in yellow below.  I suggest running a spell check on the entire document.

The meta-model of this document represents both an abstraction and a generalisation of the meta-models existing in the literature. As an abstraction, it provides an abstract syntax based on a rationalised selection of main concepts, to which existing or futureUIDLs that are compliant tothis meta-model, can be mapped. This ensures that AUIs specified with different UIDLs could be related to each other, thus enabling interoperability. As a generalisation, the meta-model of this documentprovides an expressive set of constructs thatcan be directly exploited to develop tools by implementing and extending the classes of thismeta-model. Again, specification fragments developed with such tools would support interoperability with other fragments coming from compliant tools. A UIDL or a software for specifying an AUI is said to be AUI compliantif and only ifit translates, imports, or exports, without residuals, an AUI specified according to the XML Schema derived from the meta-model

Steve Hickman
System Architect, Flight Deck of the Future

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Received on Wednesday, 22 January 2014 00:57:07 UTC