Re: correct version of the AUI metamodel

Dear Paolo, dear All,
Thanks for the update. Few comments/questions in turn:

1- Cardinality:
Relationship Composition -> AbstractionInteractionUnit: why not 2..*  
instead of 1..*?

2- Naming:
Class TriggerSupport:
a) triggerExpression -> expression?
b) triggerType -> type?

3- Fusion
What do you think about merging SelectionEvent and DeselectionEvent  
into one single class with one attribute about the selection versus  
deselection type of the event?

4- TriggerEvent
a) Where is modeled the function and/or AIU to trigger? (see question  
b) Would this TriggerEvent class be instanciated to model the fact  
that one AIU gives access (ie activates, enables) another AIU?

5- Graphs of models
What do you think about incorporating the class Transformation into  
the Commons? Otherwise we loose the relationship between the AUI and  
the Task.

Have a nice week-end

Le 25 oct. 13 à 12:33, Paolo Bottoni a écrit :

> Following the discussion on multiplicity.
> best
> paolo
> -- 
> Paolo Bottoni
> Associate Professor of Computer Science
> Email:
> Website:
> Phone: +39 06 4925 5166
> Fax: + 39 06 8541842
> Important conferences:
> <AUIWithCorrectMultiplicity.jpg>

Gaelle Calvary, Professeur en Informatique
Chargée de mission "Société du numérique" à l'Institut polytechnique  
de Grenoble
Directeur adjoint du Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble
41, rue des mathématiques - BP 53 - 38041 Grenoble Cedex 9 - France
Tel : (+33) (0)4 76 51 48 54 -

Received on Saturday, 26 October 2013 15:29:56 UTC