Update of the Introduction doc

Just to let you know that, according to one of the last telco meeting decisions, I have modified UC7.1 and UC7.2 as UC7 and UC8 + made them shorter to be in line with car rental.

Please note that Gaelle will not be able to attend next meeting (lectures), but I will.
PS Since then, I may be able to check the glossary, but can't promise.
Joelle COUTAZ, Professeur émérite
Lab. LIG (laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble)
41 rue des Mathématiques, 38400 St-Martin d'Hères, France, http://iihm.imag.fr/coutaz, tel. 33 4 76 51 48 54

Received on Wednesday, 2 October 2013 06:30:15 UTC