Re: Absence today

Dear Heiko,
Thanks for your kind email. I take this opportunity to remind you that  
I am also away from the lab today (scientific seminar).
Have a nice meeting

Le 14 juin 13 à 10:00, Heiko Braun a écrit :

> Sorry, i wont be able to make it today due to a doctors appointment.  
> In case you need additional regarding the f2f please let me know  
> through the mailing list.
> Regards, Heiko

Gaelle Calvary, Professeur en Informatique
Chargée de mission "Société du numérique" à l'Institut polytechnique  
de Grenoble
Directeur adjoint du Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble
41, rue des mathématiques - BP 53 - 38041 Grenoble Cedex 9 - France
TeŽl : (+33) (0)4 76 51 48 54 -

Received on Friday, 14 June 2013 08:13:42 UTC