plans for next MBUI face to face?

It is time to make plans for our next face to face, and I am looking for 
volunteers to host the meeting.  My suggestion would be to schedule a 
two day meeting in the second half of April, or the second or last week 
in May, but am looking for your input on dates. I am hoping that we can 
transition the abstract user interfaces specification to First Public 
Working Draft and publication of the associated Notes before the next 
face to face, and use our time at the meeting to discuss next steps, 
including outreach to industry, and to develop plans for 
interoperability testing as part of a Candidate Recommendation. It may 
also be worth considering a demo session for a hands on look at current 
model-based user interface design tools.

I look forward to your comments.

Dave Raggett <>

Received on Thursday, 7 February 2013 11:30:39 UTC