- From: Paolo Bottoni <bottoni@di.uniroma1.it>
- Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2012 10:51:28 +0200
- To: Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org>
- Cc: public-mbui@w3.org
- Message-ID: <CAAhAGAabu7c9Y9-h+UovFMvxrmjR4hZKPPghD8_utXCniFaw6Q@mail.gmail.com>
Dear all, concerning the problem of AbstractCompoundIU, I attach a picture which might compound (pun intended) the different needs. In this case we are not applying the Composite pattern, thus leaving the possibility that a AbstractInteractionUnit not originally compound might become it. A boolean attribute compound is used to this effect. The way in which an AbstractInteractionUnit (for which compound==true) is composed, is described through an explicit AIUComposition class, which could be used for the qualification of the composition. At the moment I propose one type of qualification, i.e. the rationale, expressed with reference to a choice of PRESENTATION (the elements in the composition have to be presented together) and BEHAVIOUR (the realisation of a behaviour at the compound level requires that the behaviour is propagated to units in the composition). Other literals might be added to CompositionRationaleKInd. The attribute compositionRationale is therefore an array of possible literals. The same composition could be used for many reasons, or a unit might entertain different compositions for different reasons, e.g. a certain set of elements must be presented together, but only some of them have to react together, plus possibly some others. The multiplicities reflect these possible choices. Consequences: 1. there is no AbstractCompoundIU as such (which either had to be included in the metamodel according to the composite pattern, or could not be derived from the existence of the aggregation as a class). 2. the composition is totally flexible. New compositions can be added or old ones removed, or reasons for composition can change 3. we can add some semantics to the composition itself. 4. some validity constraints are needed: compositions exist only if the value of compound for a AIU is true, a rationale kind can appear only once in any composition for a same AIU. I hope this helps. best paolo
- image/png attachment: compositionAUI.png
Received on Thursday, 20 September 2012 08:51:58 UTC