Minutes telco 10-4-2012

Hello all, the following are the minutes of today's telco


Presents: Gerrit, Jaroslaw, Nikos, Paolo, Sebastian, Joelle, Jean, 
Fabio, Davide

Abstract UI document

  * Paolo asks whether the AUI meta-model we are defining should be a
    reference that all our languages should conform to, or if we are
    going to define a new language. Fabio thinks that we are going to
    create a new meta-model and a new associated language. The authors
    of the existing languages have the freedom to decide to conform to
    it or to map their languages to the proposed one. Sebastian agrees
    with Fabio, saying that people may have different needs and create
    subclasses for that. Paolo says that there is also the possibility
    to explicitly say that a language is conform to the meta-model,
    providing the mapping of concepts between the language and the
  * Discussion about the requirement for the standard implementation.
    Fabio says that we are required to provide two different
    implementations of the standard, which are supposed to be
    interoperable. Therefore it should be possible to export the model
    with an implementation and open it with the other and vice-versa.
    Jean says that it should be sufficient to include an Import/Export
    function from and to the standard language.
  * Discussion on the abstract syntax for the AUI language. Jean says
    that we should propose something that is not
    implementation-dependent, providing an XSD or an OWL description. It
    is not clear if we should stop at the abstract syntax or if we are
    going to provide also a concrete one. Paolo says that there are two
    possible ways to create the language: referring the concepts either
    through subclassing or through instantiation. He will write a
    section on the document explaining the two possibilities.
  * Document refinement for Lyon. Jean proposes to continue modifying
    the draft document, stopping a week before the Lyon meeting. At that
    time, the will prepare a version to be discussed in Lyon. The
    participants should create their list of questions in order to
    speed-up the discussion at the F2F. Everybody agrees.
  * AUI concept. Joelle notice that we have still a fuzzy view on what
    should be modelled at the abstract level and what should not. She
    proposes to stick to a shared definition and try to apply it to
    decide. Sebastian says that, in addition, we should remove the
    concepts that do not have the consensus. Fabio says that this is
    correct in theory, but we may end to have almost nothing modelled,
    therefore we should be careful.

Working group note

  * Sebastian says that the use cases are really different in the level
    of detail. Some of them are too generic. Joelle suggests to describe
    scenarios that we already implemented in our own projects, in order
    to have a good level of detail. Jean says that we should in addition
    mention the benefits of MBUI approaches. Fabio and Jean may provide
    references to comparative studies (whit and without MBUI development).
  * Nikos' section on user modelling. It is a very detailed description
    of a user model. Jean and Fabio suggest to create a shorter version
    with a more brief description of the concepts, moving the details
    into an appendix or a separate document.

Heiko's email about the Task model XSD.

  * Fabio says that the problems mentioned were simply typos and that
    they have been fixed. We are waiting for Dave in order to publish
    the updated version of the XSD.


  * Write a section on instantiation and subclassing on the AUI document
  * Refine the AUI meta-model description (All)
  * Refine the level of detail of the use cases in the Working Group
    Note (Use case responsibles)
  * Publish the fixed version of the task model xsd (Dave)

Lucio Davide Spano
Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione "A. Faedo"
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Via G. Moruzzi, 1
56124 Pisa (Italy)

Received on Thursday, 4 October 2012 13:59:29 UTC