minutes, invited experts, and request for regrets

The minutes from yesterday's call can be found at:


I have added information on how to become an invited expert to the main
wiki page, see the new section on getting involved:


Anyone can edit the MBUI Wiki, but you will need a W3C account, see the
above section for details on how to get one if you don't have one already.

In future, if you are unable to attend an upcoming call, you are asked
to send your regrets in advance to the mailing list.

In addition, when joining a call, you are expected to connect to the IRC
channel (you can do so in your web browser), and to register your
presence. Details are given at:


Doing so will make it much easier for the scribe to accurately record
the list of participants in the minutes.

Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org> http://www.w3.org/People/Raggett

Received on Friday, 4 May 2012 11:12:45 UTC