agenda for Thursday May 3rd

Gerrit won't be able to chair this week's call, and has asked me to
chair the meeting on his behalf.

Here's the agenda for our next telecon (May 3):

- Current status of the group document

    * benefits, when to use MBUID, tutorial (Dave)
    * Current state of the glossary (Jaroslav)

- Current status in the two task forces (Task model, Abstract UI)
- Meeting at W3C Tech plenary (Dave)
- Dave to provide information on becoming an Invited Expert
  on the wiki and to the mailing list.
- (Content) Conversion of the google documents into
  the W3C technical report format

The weekly teleconference takes place every Thursday at 13:00 CET using
the W3C Zakim teleconference bridge.

The phone number is: +1.617.761.6200 and the conference meeting code is
6284 ("MBUI"). More details at:

We plan to keep the minutes of calls on the wiki:

Dave Raggett <>

Received on Wednesday, 2 May 2012 12:41:04 UTC