minutes 29 March 2012 teleconference

Now available at:


My thanks to Davide for scribing.

Next telco:

April the 12th

Actions from the previous call:

* We set a deadline for April the 15th for reviewing the use cases,
inserting the role of MBUI languages. Some work is already in progress,
but we need to give them a consistent structure.


New Actions:

* Jaroslav to contact Vivian or Jean for creating the structure of the
benefits and shortcomings part in the Group Note.

* Dave to set up a Google Doc for the Group Note and the Working Drafts.

* Dave to send mails to the participants in order to find volunteers for
editing and reviewing the documents.


April 27th, first version of the Working Drafts and Group Note, to be
discussed at the following telco.

Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org> http://www.w3.org/People/Raggett

Received on Friday, 30 March 2012 08:44:12 UTC