contribution to today

Dear all,

I am sorry for the late addition, but I was waiting to see an update in the
AUI document.

Since it looks like I still have problems using the MBUI wiki, I attach a
zip file containing the XML export of a vpp project, describing my view of
the relations between the AUI metamodel and the notions of behaviours,
events and resources, as discussed over the last meetings.

The diagrams tell the story, if you do have problems importing the vpp

This is a partial view, and should be merged with the attributes and
operations described in the current AUI metamodel.

However, all the specialisations of AIU in the current metamodel should be
replaced by delegation to the supports.

Each diagram represernts one of the packages in the package diagram, and
the names of the packages from which classes are imported are shown.

I hope this is sufficiently clear



Paolo Bottoni

Associate Professor of Computer Science



Phone: +39 06 49255369

Fax: + 39 06 8541842

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Received on Thursday, 13 December 2012 11:56:56 UTC