RE: MBUI limitation

Dear all,

It seems to me that UML metamodels and OWL ontologies are located at the
same level of abstraction. In the case of MB-UIDE, the initial UML metamodel
has been transformed into a XML Schema. Several different transformations
are possible for this purpose. OWL is more expressive than a XML Schema
since classes, instances, and properties could be expressed. In addition,
OWL benefits from several mechanisms such as symmetry and inverse
properties, which XML does not.

Second, a UML metamodel could be transformed into OWL. See for instance:
t-1.html . XML could be also transformed into OWL (see for instance, but the resulting OWL
ontology is less expressive than the initial UML metamodel.

For me, there are several advantages of having an OWL ontology (as we did in
- it is a W3C standard that has been largely used in certain domains like
FOAF and Dublin Core
- it is at the same level of abstraction of UML class diagram (which is a
OMG standard)
- it comes already with its own representation, like OWL2 XML syntax (no
problem with different XML syntaxes)
- it supports triple-stores that are supported by various development

My 2 cents,

Début du message réexpédié :

> Renvoyé-De :
> De : Fabio Paternò <> Objet : R: MBUI 
> limitation Date : 20 août 2012 09:37:33 UTC+02:00 À : 'Gerrit Meixner' 
> <>, 'Dave Raggett' <>
> Cc:
> Répondre à :
> I doubt that practitioners are interested in a RDF, OWL specification 
> of the task models. I don't know how many interactive application 
> developers use ontologies in their work.
> Of course it is possible to do it but I am not sure about the  
> concrete added value in a similar exercise. XML descriptions in 
> general are easier to understand and manipulate than the others even 
> if they have some limitations in terms of expressiveness.
> Fabio
> -----Messaggio originale-----
> Da: Gerrit Meixner []
> Inviato: lunedì 20 agosto 2012 06:29
> A: 'Dave Raggett'
> Cc:
> Oggetto: AW: MBUI limitation
> Hi Dave,
> thanks for forwarding the comment by Yan.
> Here I guess we can see the different views people have on a 
> specification again. XML-based languages in MBUID have a long 
> tradition and are well established in this community.
> Also in practice XML-based languages for e.g., infotainment systems 
> are specified in such a way (e.g., OEM-XML, AbstractHMI).
> We had many talks about the different possibilities for using a 
> specific notation. People have arguments for paper-based informal 
> specifications and people have arguments for (more) formal specifications.
> It depends on the user (group) you are asking. Often the least common 
> denominator is a XML-based language. But in the end it doesn't matter 
> which way you go (XML or RDF/OWL) because you will always need 
> powerful tools to support people.
> What do the others think about the comment of Yan?
> Best regards
> Gerrit
> ========================
> Dr.-Ing. Gerrit Meixner
> Head of the Human-Machine-Interaction group
> German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) Innovative 
> Factory Systems (IFS) Trippstadter Strasse 122
> 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
> Tel./Fax/Mobile/E-Mail/Web
> +49 (0) 631 / 205 75 3415
> +49 (0) 631 / 205 75 3402
> +49 (0) 157 / 725 95 865
> ========================
> Legal statement: 
> Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH 
> Trippstadter Strasse 122
> 67663 Kaiserslautern
> Geschäftsführung: 
> Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (Vorsitzender), Dr. Walter 
> Olthoff Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats:
> Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes
> Amtsgericht Kaiserslautern, HRB 2313
> ========================
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Dave Raggett []
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 9. August 2012 21:40
> An: Yan Bodain
> Cc:
> Betreff: Re: MBUI limitation
> Thank you for your feedback, I am forwarding it to the MBUI list for 
> comments.
> On 04/08/12 22:28, Yan Bodain wrote:
>> Hi
>> I am a software developper with a strong background in Cognitive 
>> Ergonomics (PhD degre from Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal) and also 
>> in semantic technologies.
>> I am writing this email because I was extremly surprised by the first 
>> draft of MBUI.
>> I think you have mist a great opportuny to make your model usefull by 
>> using a XML Schema instead of using a combinaison of semantic 
>> descriptions (RDF, OWL).
>> For example, in many places, you have listed the values that are 
>> legal for some XML attribut. But if you had choosen to link these 
>> values to an ontology class instead, it would have made your model 
>> more usefull (because it would let the system navigate inside a 
>> hiearchy of task and find a task directly related to the local 
>> context or domain)
>> To resume, the first draft of MBUI is great a excercice for someone 
>> working as ergonomist, cognitive engineering or artificial 
>> intelligence but it as poor value for someone who build software, 
>> portal solution or knowledge system for entreprise.
>> Coming from the W3C, I was hopping that the MBUI documentation would 
>> not only help ergonomist but also practionner.
>> If you decide to develop your model further, I will be happy to help 
>> you to migrate your XML model to a semantic one.
>> Or, at least, find someone who is familiar with semantic technologies 
>> (why not ask Tim Berners-Lee?) in order to validate the context of 
>> application of your MBUI draft.
>> Best regards
>> Yan Bodain, PhD.

Received on Thursday, 23 August 2012 15:37:04 UTC