Re: MBUI limitation

Thank you for your feedback, I am forwarding it to the MBUI list for 

On 04/08/12 22:28, Yan Bodain wrote:
> Hi
> I am a software developper with a strong background in Cognitive
> Ergonomics (PhD degre from Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal) and also in
> semantic technologies.
> I am writing this email because I was extremly surprised by the first
> draft of MBUI.
> I think you have mist a great opportuny to make your model usefull by
> using a XML Schema instead of using a combinaison of semantic
> descriptions (RDF, OWL).
> For example, in many places, you have listed the values that are legal
> for some XML attribut. But if you had choosen to link these values to an
> ontology class instead, it would have made your model more usefull
> (because it would let the system navigate inside a hiearchy of task and
> find a task directly related to the local context or domain)
> To resume, the first draft of MBUI is great a excercice for someone
> working as ergonomist, cognitive engineering or artificial intelligence
> but it as poor value for someone who build software, portal solution or
> knowledge system for entreprise.
> Coming from the W3C, I was hopping that the MBUI documentation would not
> only help ergonomist but also practionner.
> If you decide to develop your model further, I will be happy to help you
> to migrate your XML model to a semantic one.
> Or, at least, find someone who is familiar with semantic technologies
> (why not ask Tim Berners-Lee?) in order to validate the context of
> application of your MBUI draft.
> Best regards
> Yan Bodain, PhD.

Received on Thursday, 9 August 2012 19:40:09 UTC