poll for time slot for weekly teleconference and first face to face

First of all welcome to the W3C Model-Based User Interfaces Working Group.


Please fill out the following doodle poll to help us pick the least 
inconvenient time slot for the weekly teleconference for the W3C 
Model-Based UI working Group.  Note that you will find this easier if 
you set the timezone to that of your regular location.


Our aim is to have the first teleconference in mid-December.

Our chairman Gerrit and I (in my role as W3C staff contact) would also 
like your input on our first face to face meeting.  Gerrit proposes to 
hold a two day face to face at his offices in DFKI in Kaiserlautern in 
Germany.  This is a one hour train ride from Frankfurt airport and as 
such should be easy for most people to get to.

Gerrit is unavailable for the week of January 16th, and I am likely to 
be unavailable for the week of January 23. We are therefore proposing to 
hold the first face to face during the week of January 30 to February 
3.   The Working Group Charter calls for First Public Working Drafts in 
March, so we don't want to delay the first face to face if at all 
possible.  However, please let us know if the weeks of January 23 and 
February 6 would work better for you.

We are expecting submissions of draft specifications this December, and 
plan to use the MBUI WG wiki for collecting use cases and requirements, 
as well as editors drafts for specifications.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Many thanks for your help,

Dave Raggett<dsr@w3.org>  http://www.w3.org/People/Raggett

Received on Thursday, 24 November 2011 18:05:32 UTC