First MBUI teleconference

Gerrit and I would like to invite you to the first teleconference for 
the Model-Based UI Design Working Group at 09:30 CET this Wednesday, 
December 14.

The proposed agenda is:

-   submission of draft specifications

-   use cases and requirements

-   who will be acting as the main editor for the specifications?

-   Scheduling the first F2F-meeting (2 days) in Kaiserslautern

The number to ring is for the W3C (Zakim) teleconference bridge

     Zakim Bridge: +1-617-761-6200,

I will send another email *tomorrow* with the meeting code.

In the meantime, here is some information of the zakim and rrsagent IRC 
'bots that W3C traditionally uses during meetings for managing the 
meeting agenda, taking minutes and tracking actions.

The W3C IRC server can be accessed via or any regular 
IRC client on port 6665

We will be using the IRC channel   #mbui

See you Wednesday morning!


Dave Raggett<>

Received on Monday, 12 December 2011 09:31:34 UTC