Apologies for my absense

Hello all,

I wanted to apologize that I have not been able to be as active as I had
liked since I joined in December. I came in just before the holidays, which
had their own impact with time off/scheduling, and now January has been its
own batch of chaos which I have been unfurling each day. I will be unable
to jump back to things until the week of February 10th, but you should be
seeing more of me at that point going forward as things should have
stabilized a bit by then.

Thanks for your patience and understanding and hopefully I'll be getting to
work with all of you soon.



Jenn Evans <http://www.deque.com/team/jenn-evans> | *Director of Strategic

*Deque Systems - Accessibility for Good*

*Need to meet? Set up time with me using calendly
<http://calendly.com/jennifer-evans-a11y> *

//Get prepared for the European Accessibility Act (EAA) deadline before
June 28, 2025. *Get the guide to EAA

Received on Monday, 27 January 2025 20:55:45 UTC