Re: Maturity Model Group Note Message

Very well done, David.

Best Regards,
Irfan Ali

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From: David Fazio <>
Date: Monday, August 12, 2024 at 12:46 AM
To: Maturity Model TF <>
Subject: Maturity Model Group Note Message
Resent-From: <>
Resent-Date: Monday, August 12, 2024 at 12:45 AM

External Email: Use caution with links and attachments
I have drafted a message to send leadership when we are ready to publish our Group Note. Please, see below. Feel free to reply with comments. We will discuss on Wednesday.

Dear WAI Interest Group,

W3C WAI invites you to comment on a Draft W3C Group Note:

Accessibility Maturity Model<;!!KSjYCgUGsB4!cb14E_T_781D5eZnYe5sh3pKGkVTvvjmK1cJE9ZCqDZr0HQ97l2TiL_w8N3fWD2oLPeR6edqR19TPolyGlM$>

This is the planned last draft before we publish it as a W3C Group Note.


The Accessibility Maturity Model provides a practical methodology for organizations of any size to evaluate, monitor, and continuously improve, their internal policies, processes, and practices, that impact their capability of achieving accessibility goals, expectations, and requirements.

The contents of this document are intended to provide a framework for identifying key elements, within any organization, that impact compliance with accessibility goals, expectations, and requirements. Additionally, it informs organizations how to determine whether, and how well, those elements are operating in a manner that supports accessibility goals, expectations, and requirements.

Requesting feedback:

We encourage broad review from a wide range of organization sizes and industries. This draft incorporates substantial revisions made in response to comments on the previous Working Drafts by various stakeholders. Stakeholder feedback has resulted in substantial revisions, and refinement.

We are particularly interested in receiving feedback related to scoring methods for this maturity model.


To comment, please open a new issue in the document's GitHub repository:<;!!KSjYCgUGsB4!cb14E_T_781D5eZnYe5sh3pKGkVTvvjmK1cJE9ZCqDZr0HQ97l2TiL_w8N3fWD2oLPeR6edqR19TtfD2uXM$>

Please create separate GitHub issues for each topic, rather than commenting on multiple topics in a single issue.

If it's not feasible for you to use GitHub, send comments in e-mail to:<> Please:
put your comments in the body of the message, not as an attachment

start your e-mail subject line with: Maturity Model Draft

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Received on Monday, 12 August 2024 14:21:16 UTC