- From: David Fazio <dfazio@helixopp.com>
- Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2023 00:13:42 +0000
- To: "public-maturity@w3.org" <public-maturity@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <SJ0PR18MB4057DDC36358BA94A7D06142B5869@SJ0PR18MB4057.namprd18.prod.outlook.com>
Please review Sheri’s work on the use cases and prepare to provide feedback. We won’t take this up tomorrow, so everyone has time to give it their due diligence. We’ll put this on next week’s agenda. David Fazio, President | [signature_1633184954] <https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidpfazio/> [A picture containing sitting Description automatically generated]| [Cooperative Understanding Facilitator of Human Inclusion Badge] <https://api.badgr.io/public/assertions/FheI3FldQkqkfO0AxMbmgQ?identity__email=dfazio%40helixopp.com> | [signature_1943303136] <https://www.linkedin.com/company/helixopportunity> P. +1 415.882.6034| e. dfazio@helixopp.com<mailto:dfazio@helixopp.com>| W. www.helixopp.com<http://www.helixopp.com> [Certified Minority-owned Business Enterprise Logo] [Disability-Owned Business Enterprise Badge] [International Association of Accessibility Professionals Organizational Member Badge] [Logo HR Certification Institute 2022 Approved Provider Seal] [Society for Human Resource Management Approved Provider Badge] From: Sheri Byrne Haber <sbyrnehaber@vmware.com> Date: Monday, March 20, 2023 at 5:31 PM To: David Fazio <dfazio@helixopp.com> Subject: Use Cases I started to sketch out some use cases, wanted quick feedback before I got too far Let me know what you think? Use cases: A software company is responding to an RFP. They’ve been asked to demonstrate External (sbyrnehaber@vmware.com<mailto:sbyrnehaber@vmware.com>) Report This Email<https://protection.inkyphishfence.com/report?id=bmV0b3JnZnQ4NDM0NDAvZGZhemlvQGhlbGl4b3BwLmNvbS85YWQ0NjE1MmRmNmFiOTgxYWQ3NGJhODM0MmFkZWIzOS8xNjc5MzU4NjU3LjQ0#key=19c51dfcb2036c95cc97229320606fed> FAQ<https://www.godaddy.com/help/report-email-with-advanced-email-security-40813> GoDaddy Advanced Email Security, Powered by INKY<https://www.inky.com/protection-by-inky> I started to sketch out some use cases, wanted quick feedback before I got too far Let me know what you think? Use cases: 1) A software company is responding to an RFP. They’ve been asked to demonstrate that they are capable of retaining the level of quality in their VPATs that they are currently showing. What dimensions to complete? Who to get involved? 2) A government agency is issuing an RFP. They want to ask potential respondents to demonstrate that they are capable of retaining the level of quality in their VPATs that they are currently showing. What dimensions to complete? Who to get involved? 3) A retail organization has received multiple complaints from prospective employees about disability inclusion in the hiring process What dimensions to complete? Who to get involved? 4) An accessibility consulting company wants to show potential customers that their entire organization is optimized for accessibility What dimensions to complete? Who to get involved? 5) An NGO wants to determine which areas it should address to improve disability inclusion in the next fiscal year What dimensions to complete? Who to get involved? 6) A software integrator wants to review the accessibility of an organization that sells a third-party library that it is considering including in one of its offerings What dimensions to complete? Who to get involved? Thanks, Sheri ----- Sheri Byrne-Haber (She/Her) Senior Staff, Accessibility Architect Mobile: 650 703 2376 (please text first if you have not called me before, otherwise it may go to VM) Upcoming OOO March 13 (EPIC holiday) Working from Arizona 4/11 through 4/17 April 21 (EPIC holiday) Expect a delay in my replies Phonetic pronunciation: shei riə bUHRn heɪ buhr Audio: https://vimeo.com/665808784<https://shared.outlook.inky.com/link?domain=vimeo.com&t=h.eJxNjEkOgzAQBL-CfI4w4PHGia-M4yGgAEbGkE35e2ROuXZ11YftcWJtwYaU1q3l_BhnCuU1zFwpaSqjDbBLwe75s1AK8dYnAwKg4r7H9xi6gabxGdb1lCx6ULVsfK_QWVOj1-DQCGjQkxOW10pbIY2SuoSzTLm8uVdcaEBHsTvmB0bKtYx9xn_T9we9fTW6.MEUCIQDfmZ_Afu6Y-zzeeqc3Yneg4eGcgXkvowaxrNM7OgeRswIgU_pbnQM_NJ4hCfjMaJmB22BBV5PWsIYADbTvrA6f5tg> ASL Name Sign: https://vimeo.com/665809840<https://shared.outlook.inky.com/link?domain=vimeo.com&t=h.eJxNjEsSgyAQBa9isU6JyoDgyqsMYYhWVCgk5le5e4qssn39ut_slhY2VGzKOe4D58e8UqjPYeVKSd0YDQ07VexaPhvlkC4-axAADXceX3MYJ1rmR4jxJxl0oFrZOa_QGt2i68GiFtChIysMb1VvhNRK9jVAKVMp7_aZNprQUhqP9Y6JSq1gV_Df9PkCuiQ1tA.MEQCIGEK2kCWvMtHRHUrn8Nbr2oX6JKwr9s28iwZ-mAFd6SFAiASkcDMyuF6mxtXU_PwxWS9gRqIakqxBSww1TtSLcI37g>
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Received on Wednesday, 22 March 2023 00:14:12 UTC