- From: Janina Sajka <janina@rednote.net>
- Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2023 15:28:38 -0500
- To: David Fazio <dfazio@helixopp.com>
- Cc: Lionel Wolberger <lionel@userway.org>, Maturity Model TF <public-maturity@w3.org>
So, is there perhaps a generic way to suggest that minimum conformance levels might yield less than hoped for results? That some due diligence may be necessary? David Fazio writes: > We determined early on, especially after the push back that we received from AGWG, that we would be WCAG agnostic > > Sent from my iPhone > > On Dec 4, 2023, at 1:34 PM, Lionel Wolberger <lionel@userway.org> wrote: > > ??? > Hi All, Pardon if this was already discussed or covered in the model: Do we cite a particular WCAG profile as a conformance target? It seems reasonable to cite that WCAG profile A would arguably be in > External (lionel@userway.org<mailto:lionel@userway.org>) > Report This Email<https://protection.inkyphishfence.com/report?id=bmV0b3JnZnQ4NDM0NDAvZGZhemlvQGhlbGl4b3BwLmNvbS9kZjdmMDcwNzY4YzQ5MjU0OGQ3MDYzMjIwMjgwZjNlNS8xNzAxNzE0ODc1LjM2#key=096473630b42d1cdf2d643e710f8a266> FAQ<https://www.godaddy.com/help/report-email-with-advanced-email-security-40813> GoDaddy Advanced Email Security, Powered by INKY<https://www.inky.com/protection-by-inky> > > Hi All, > > Pardon if this was already discussed or covered in the model: > > Do we cite a particular WCAG profile as a conformance target? > It seems reasonable to cite that WCAG profile A would arguably be insufficient. > > - Lionel > [Lionel Wolberger]<https://shared.outlook.inky.com/link?domain=userway.org&t=h.eJxNjs0OgyAQBl-l4dBTK6go1MTUB-i9R0N1VVIQg5D-pe9esRevM5v59oO8VajYocG5aS4w9jPYh3hFxvb47J2uZ-NtAyVoIdVxlv0onLewD0pDK73-qxU0Qk9iOSkv0oyg6qtRN7A9WHTYoXuYGcEt5c5xmlJKcNuJtzTVAEo-zTRFjdELYx1hhOW8oacko7xlJE-ThCScdClkOGYkZjHlLIvSPJQhlNU6WW3-D6oNasu-P_Q5T6M.MEYCIQDt29X1OCi18ppyIkl__JgDbMEaA4n3c0A75SUmUbFDJgIhANcaZy70_kmJLhjleaji8rAf-JRzgH5sRjk88yRFn_AC> > Lionel Wolberger > COO, UserWay Inc. > [UserWay.org]<https://shared.outlook.inky.com/link?domain=userway.org&t=h.eJxNjs0OgyAQBl-l4dBTK6go1MTUB-i9R0N1VVIQg5D-pe9esRevM5v59oO8VajYocG5aS4w9jPYh3hFxvb47J2uZ-NtAyVoIdVxlv0onLewD0pDK73-qxU0Qk9iOSkv0oyg6qtRN7A9WHTYoXuYGcEt5c5xmlJKcNuJtzTVAEo-zTRFjdELYx1hhOW8oacko7xlJE-ThCScdClkOGYkZjHlLIvSPJQhlNU6WW3-D6oNasu-P_Q5T6M.MEYCIQDt29X1OCi18ppyIkl__JgDbMEaA4n3c0A75SUmUbFDJgIhANcaZy70_kmJLhjleaji8rAf-JRzgH5sRjk88yRFn_AC> > <tel:+14158004557> > [Phone Icon] +1 (415) 800-4557 > <mailto:lionel@userway.org> > [Envelope Icon] > lionel@userway.org -- Janina Sajka (she/her/hers) Accessibility Consultant https://linkedin.com/in/jsajka The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Co-Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures http://www.w3.org/wai/apa Linux Foundation Fellow https://www.linuxfoundation.org/board-of-directors-2/
Received on Monday, 4 December 2023 20:28:45 UTC