- From: David Fazio <dfazio@helixopp.com>
- Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2023 20:36:36 +0000
- To: Janina Sajka <janina@rednote.net>
- CC: Charles LaPierre <charlesl@benetech.org>, Sheri Byrne Haber <sbyrnehaber@vmware.com>, "public-maturity@w3.org" <public-maturity@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <7DFC5018-41E4-488D-9457-EEBF6E8F39D1@helixopp.com>
+1 Sent from my iPhone On Aug 22, 2023, at 3:33 PM, Janina Sajka <janina@rednote.net> wrote: Suggest we keep it simple for now and just point to 2.4.1. We want to update the WD. Other thoughts, anyone? Janina Charles LaPierre writes: > So currently in our main specification for each dimension External (janina@rednote.net<mailto:janina@rednote.net>) Report This Email<https://protection.inkyphishfence.com/report?id=bmV0b3JnZnQ4NDM0NDAvZGZhemlvQGhlbGl4b3BwLmNvbS8wMzg0YjgyZDgzZGUzMmRiMjU1ZTVhOGEwMjNhOTllMi8xNjkyNzM2NDIwLjk0#key=fb57c75fc698cab5f24f952e64c493ca> FAQ<https://www.godaddy.com/help/report-email-with-advanced-email-security-40813> GoDaddy Advanced Email Security, Powered by INKY<https://www.inky.com/protection-by-inky> Suggest we keep it simple for now and just point to 2.4.1. We want to update the WD. Other thoughts, anyone? Janina Charles LaPierre writes: > So currently in our main specification for each dimension there is a section. > 3.1.2, 3.2.2, 3.3.2, etc. labelled “Ratings for Evaluation” > Which has the following text > Use the quick link to the Maturity assessment prototype Communications ratings worksheet<A11yMaturityTemplate.xlsx> to see how the evaluation for this dimension could be documented. > Use the quick link to the Maturity assessment prototype Knowledge and Skills worksheet<A11yMaturityTemplate.xlsx> to see how the evaluation for this dimension could be documented. > Etc. > This use to point to specific sections in the Google Doc’s excel template to fill out. This is no longer the case so what do you all suggest we do? > I can change this text instead to say something more generic which points to 2.4.1 Maturity Model Excel Spreadsheet within this document. Or each of these could instead point to the excel spreadsheet itself as it does say “quick link” However that would only download the file itself not open it to the specific sheet as what was implied originally. > If you all agree I can do one of two things > 1. Use this quick link to the Maturity assessment prototype which will download an excel set of sheets with a Knowledge and Skills worksheet for this dimension to be documented. > 2. Follow the instructions in the Maturity Model Excel Spreadsheet section to get the latest spreadsheet to fill out for this dimension. > In Option #1 the text “link to the Maturity assessment prototype” would be a hyper link to the downloadable file itself > In Option #2 the text “Maturity Model Excel Spreadsheet” would be a hyperlink to the section 2.4.1 section. > > Let me know what option you like best and any text changes you would like to see made, and then I can update all 7 instances of this repeated text throughout the document. > > Thanks > Charles > EOM > > From: David Fazio <dfazio@helixopp.com> > Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 at 9:37 AM > To: Charles LaPierre <charlesl@benetech.org> > Cc: Janina Sajka <janina@rednote.net>, Sheri Byrne Haber <sbyrnehaber@vmware.com> > Subject: Re: One more fix needed for Maturity publication! > You’re the best, Charles. Thank you > Sent from my iPhone > > > On Aug 22, 2023, at 11:34 AM, Charles LaPierre <charlesl@benetech.org> wrote: > > I was going to work on it and propose a solution as there is a subtle nuance. > In back to back meetings once I get a chance will send out an potential solution. > > Thanks > Charles > EOM > > From: Janina Sajka <janina@rednote.net> > Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 at 8:52 AM > To: David Fazio <dfazio@helixopp.com>, Sheri Byrne Haber <sbyrnehaber@vmware.com>, Charles LaPierre <charlesl@benetech.org> > Subject: One more fix needed for Maturity publication! > Dear All: > > In looking through the Editor's Draft, there are some 7 references to > Google Doc links. It was my belief that we'd cleared all those, but > they're still showing up for whatever reason. Example: Sec. 3.1.2. > > Can we clear these easily? It would be good to publish without Google > Doc references. > > Best, > > Janina > > > -- > > Janina Sajka (she/her/hers) > Accessibility Consultant https://linkedin.com/in/jsajka<https://shared.outlook.inky.com/link?domain=linkedin.com&t=h.eJxNjcEOgjAQRH_F9Gxo3RZsOfEri7tIAbcEamI0_rvWk9d5M29e6r4tqj2oMed1b7VeosxMUapLuukoetpxmlEdD2ouNeGctuuQvbPOGU0DPmPqRl7iI63rb2Ssd70H8pbYAvVQ11yjRwMWQ2DQpybA2TYOTBVcMXMxTyhRsNuYJGWuvkcFUUH_2fsDjrI2iA.MEUCIDicPMblDaNwF-z01aZyyxksWKzaDahi49D8hjKus_zUAiEAsaB4MTLCMmUtYaan2h3AOSsbFEs9t6_LD7nVNJHy0No> > > The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) > Co-Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures http://www.w3.org/wai/apa<https://shared.outlook.inky.com/link?domain=www.w3.org&t=h.eJxNjUEOwiAQRa9iWBvAGVqhq15lKlOLViANBqPx7pad2_d-3v-I57aK4SCWUvKgVK1VVpRpu6pKQVEmcTyIe1tELjueizVojFZ-pndI48JreKWc5SU9lEZrJgveomcEP0HXcUeWNCA5x6BOvYMz9ga0dKaVuZVvFEOkcWMfU2G5HzXlm_pn3x8FFTQ1.MEUCIQD2HZ2JRtpcKW8MQ9gxcaoOlGmmkJjCAKNX4Yh0kSg6rgIgFU4DL5OM-jq3aV9gsvlw3muK-_v1rNuyd9ItyW7NUo4> > > Linux Foundation Fellow > https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.linuxfoundation.org%2fboard-of-directors-2%2f&c=E,1,cLuus6AqXRATMO0OYqmLs51qx5vUfYbEIzSrfeP8qiyKmI39E2RphIxsbO8lPf2ull5zxaH_A1qkgzHZ-0bPt_Ak3FrnL93MdhAakPQG6R4DD0Bt&typo=1<https://shared.outlook.inky.com/link?domain=linkprotect.cudasvc.com&t=h.eJxNkF9vgjAUxb-KIdEn-dcCgomZLLppppG5LZl7MYW2wsAWSlFk2Xdf8WnJfTq_k3PvuT9aIwptOtBSKct6appFxvJScEkSaSQNRvUlMRJ-NpXtAc3uriFEQ0DVXK9XQ_mblvKGYSQzzgwuTorEHAmsc6rjTKgkLmodKHmUzJZje5xsmqb2wupzH75vd9buUJ03tWtXrXv5oId4ue7eBCWRX2W3l_MaBkuwL9N1W8c7v4goaIrC7Vq0OoZ2lZ-61ZduxZE8hjl8EmwTwC1OQ5RHr8_e3lksrEc5kreSz2xtPNDyvisj6qITlb4DHccyMUVdxucpKbKWl-W9rgV9J_YB9iEmEOAYuC5xkY8sAFEQEGDaXgAm0HOAZQROn0z65G_EMobmgmCmXmioRT3CPfqv_f4Bsn16KQ.MEQCIF1BSyFffjd5dISCVZia9blYKoeblP7JbfAoR4CNlQVqAiAKsknBcrO0wMfYR6L5tcgqa1IeEo_AdNMKmkAAuGBdHw> -- Janina Sajka (she/her/hers) Accessibility Consultant https://linkedin.com/in/jsajka<https://shared.outlook.inky.com/link?domain=linkedin.com&t=h.eJxNjcEOgjAQRH_F9Gxo3RZsOfEri7tIAbcEamI0_rvWk9d5M29e6r4tqj2oMed1b7VeosxMUapLuukoetpxmlEdD2ouNeGctuuQvbPOGU0DPmPqRl7iI63rb2Ssd70H8pbYAvVQ11yjRwMWQ2DQpybA2TYOTBVcMXMxTyhRsNuYJGWuvkcFUUH_2fsDjrI2iA.MEUCIDicPMblDaNwF-z01aZyyxksWKzaDahi49D8hjKus_zUAiEAsaB4MTLCMmUtYaan2h3AOSsbFEs9t6_LD7nVNJHy0No> The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Co-Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures http://www.w3.org/wai/apa<https://shared.outlook.inky.com/link?domain=www.w3.org&t=h.eJxNjUEOwiAQRa9iWBvAGVqhq15lKlOLViANBqPx7pad2_d-3v-I57aK4SCWUvKgVK1VVpRpu6pKQVEmcTyIe1tELjueizVojFZ-pndI48JreKWc5SU9lEZrJgveomcEP0HXcUeWNCA5x6BOvYMz9ga0dKaVuZVvFEOkcWMfU2G5HzXlm_pn3x8FFTQ1.MEUCIQD2HZ2JRtpcKW8MQ9gxcaoOlGmmkJjCAKNX4Yh0kSg6rgIgFU4DL5OM-jq3aV9gsvlw3muK-_v1rNuyd9ItyW7NUo4> Linux Foundation Fellow https://www.linuxfoundation.org/board-of-directors-2/<https://shared.outlook.inky.com/link?domain=www.linuxfoundation.org&t=h.eJxNjcEOgyAQBX-l4VzBAlrw5K-guyqtZQ1iNG3675VbrzN58z5sizNrLmxKaVkbIfZ957MP2zHQFsAlT4FTHEVHLkJBQwE-Yp8oroUU7Hphz7wOeJJxSEYrrUsBg3t7aiec_UHLwnt6iVIZ3RkJRgEqCZ2sKqyccaVUzlqU4lZbeVe1liW3Opcxlx8u-ODaiBAoIT-PsoKs_tn3Bw5AP1c.MEUCIGWKZqXZ-RRasZpViNCaRtMBafbqck7953f2OU3i0-n3AiEApTaUVL4Yrwh067Mwehgmr3G3nXA6zo8sXm6y9yGWWOI>
Received on Tuesday, 22 August 2023 20:36:50 UTC