[math-on-web] CG meeting minutes, 2018/06/21

Hi everyone,

Here are the minutes from the meeting on June 21.


# math-on-web CG meeting 2018/06/21

* Present: Peter, Volker, Arno, John, Mike, Neil
  * Regrets: Joanie, Dani

Agenda item a11y TF

  * Peter: not enough ppl here for meeting time discussion, let's do a
    * ACTION: Yes
  * Mike: would be interested in lurking in those meetings but don't have
much to say
    * John: +1
  * Peter: I'm always somewhat concerned bc I usually like to include
everyone but if ppl don't have the backgorund trying to be inclusive is hard
  * Volker: but lurkers are fine if it's clear
  * => sounds good
  * Peter: maybe let's put some interests down for the four active ones on
the call?
  * Arno: I'm interested in following up on AIM workshop, ARIA live work etc
  * Neil: at DIAGRAM codesprint had some interesting discussions around
severe dyslexia
    * color, spacing, not fonts (but bolding etc)
    * maybe pushing on display engines or editor folks to think about those
    * e.g., Arno recently allowed to add some extra space which helps
distinguish characters better
    * Volker: didn't catch this was this about SSML?
      * Neil: no, typesetting. It's often too tight for severe dyslexic
        * some things help to distinguish them, e.g., color
        * but increasing spacing might help
      * Mike: like CSS letter spacing
        * Neil: not sure that'll do it.
    * Neil: any interest?
      * Arno: yes
      * Peter: yes.
  * Volker: I'm interested in several things
    * continuing work on SSML with Arno
    * an idea with Raman, creating some abstract styling which you can then
map to concrete styles (CSS, background, voicing, sounds, prosidy)
    * i.e., you'd be doing the rules once (with an abstract "style sheet")
and then map that to something concrete.
    * that might even help with Neil's example just now
    * e.g., capital letters mapped to higher pitch and larger spacing
  * Peter: I'm interested in simple things
    * the lightweight walker prototype out of the AIM workshop
      * getting that to work well
      * talking to ARIA about default walkers for aria tree, grid etc
    * also the AIM workshop idea for alternative braille

agenda topic: TPAC
  * registration is open
  * planning meetings
    * with CSS WG in the works
    * with ARIA in the works
  * I think it's more important
    * Volker: earlier the week would be better for me
  * ACTION: Arno give update on CSS meeting
  * ACTION: Peter give update on ARIA Meeting

Received on Friday, 22 June 2018 07:03:00 UTC