[math-on-web] CG meeting minutes, 2018/06/07

Hi everyone,

Here are the minutes from the meeting on June 7.


# math-on-web CG meeting 2017/06/07

* Present: Peter, John, Arno, Joanie, Mike
  * Regrets: Volker, Charles
* Agenda: TPAC, AIM workshop
* Intros
  * Joanie Diggs
    * developer at Igalia
    * a11y implementations in webkit and gecko
    * orca screenreader
    * ARIA Group chair
* TPAC, 2018
  * Lyon
  * CG meeting  Monday, Oct 22, 15:30--17:30
  * 4-5 confirmations
  * book hotel soon
  * registration are open https://www.w3.org/2018/10/TPAC/Overview.html
    * ACTION Peter to alert group when it opens up
  * meetings with other group
    * CSS WG
      * Arno: reached out to co-chair
        * Alan very interested
        * still planning their own
        * we should figure out how many of us are there
        * to figure out space
        * main room event Mon/Tue or break-out Wed/Thu
        * ACTION: ping list on tpac attendance
          * have rough estimate NEXT WEEK
    * ARIA WG
      * Joanie: Thu&Fri are ARIA days
        * so more difficult
        * ARIA folks could join the CG meeting
          * but maybe we can get W3C to work something out (more slot etc)
        * Peter: will ARIA be there earlier?
      * Joanie: ad-hoc time on Thursday might be possible
        * if you let us know, then we'll try to accomodate
* AIM workhsop
  * Peter recap
    * [but there will a published report]
    * 20 ppl
    * faculty, tools, screenreaders, publishers
    * "focused unconference", everyday different groups but also continuing
  * John: +1 it was very good
  * Arno: +1
    * how do we follow up?
    * Peter: restart the a11y task force
      * have joint TF with ARIA
    * Arno: and the group itself? Maybe a call?
      * Peter:  mailing list was planned,
        * and of course new workshop next year
  * Joanie: you had a TF? How many?
    * Peter: 5 off the top of my hat
    * J: from ARIA end, I'll still have to sell that it's worth the effort
      * some interests from various ends
      * also autorhing pracitce
    * P: we're mostly interested in broad improvements
  * P: should we start with an informal call before doing formal setups?
    * J: ARIA meeting after this one, it's on the agenda
      * ACTION will update this group

Received on Friday, 15 June 2018 10:22:28 UTC