Re: MathOnWeb CG -- meeting minutes 2018-07-19

I sent mail to Peter about 10 minutes before the potential meeting asking
if we were going to have one and never heard back. I'm assuming the answer
is no meeting

On Thu, Aug 2, 2018, 9:09 AM Arno Gourdol <> wrote:

> It the meetin at
> I'm trying to join, but I nobody is letting me in? Or did we cancel today?
> I know Peter was having connection issues last Monday for the CSS TF...
> Best,
> Arno.
> On Thu, Aug 2, 2018, 18:00 Volker Sorge <> wrote:
>> Apologies for today's meeting. I'm on holidays and have very poor
>> internet connection.
>> Volker
>> On Tue, 24 Jul 2018, 9:57 am Peter Krautzberger, <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> Here are the minutes from the meeting on July 19.
>>> Best,
>>> Peter.
>>> # MathOnWeb CG meeting 2018/07/19
>>> * Agenda
>>>   * a11y task force: plan first meeting
>>>   * TPAC 2018 planning
>>> * Present
>>>   * Peter, Joanie, Kevin, Charles, Volker
>>>   * Regrets: Arno, Dani
>>> * task: a11y TF
>>>   * date: every other Monday, 11am Eastern, starting July 30, 2018
>>> * TPAC
>>>   * times now fixed
>>>   * APA/ARIA in the morning,
>>>   * CSS in the afternoon
>>>   * then our time slot
>>> * CSS TF update
>>>   * a bit slower due to summer
>>>   * organizing the content, creating list of priorities for TPAC CSSWG
>>> meeting
>>> * Charles: who will be at TPAC? public list?
>>>   * Peter: no. let's make github wiki page
>>> * Charles: TPAC meeting with APA includes ARIA?
>>>   * Joanie: yes. We just had to sort out space. Janina kindly traded
>>> some time slots

Received on Thursday, 2 August 2018 16:12:30 UTC