- From: Daniel Marques <dani@wiris.com>
- Date: Fri, 12 May 2017 14:53:53 +0200
- To: "Swenson, Kyrce" <kyrce.swenson@pearson.com>, public-mathonwebpages@w3.org
- Message-ID: <95b6a1f820ac9470f40abc336ca08543@mail.gmail.com>
Thank you very much Kyrce! Dani *From:* Swenson, Kyrce [mailto:kyrce.swenson@pearson.com] *Sent:* jueves, 11 de mayo de 2017 19:19 *To:* public-mathonwebpages@w3.org *Subject:* Minutes 2017/05/11- DRAFT *Topic:* Layout *Attendees: *Peter Krauzberger, Daniel Marques, Jean Kaplansky, Volker Sorge, Sam Dooley, Charles LaPierre, Kyrce Swenson *Scribe:* Kyrce Swenson ----- *Peter: *What can improve and give feedback on layout requirements so that other web standards can be influenced by the WG? Collect use cases. Some contact already with the CSS working group, Including actual issue that MathJAX needs to respond to. Link in issue to codepen example to sketch out the basic problem: [1] Two dimensional content in inline content. Must be aligned with the baseline. In CSS only the top or the bottom can be aligned to the baseline.. No tools for something like a simple fraction, etc. This example was trying to explain this problem. Current solutions all require manual baseline fixing and shifts. This takes time and adds complexity. We need a way to tell CSS what should be at the baseline level. *Dani**: *The limits of the technology are MathJAX and we can use MathML directly in FF, and there are solutions from Wiris. Be able to do mathematics using only html5 + css. We need to be able to tell the CSS people to convince them. *Peter: * there's also KaTeX, MathQuill, and a bunch of hobby projects. *Peter* identify use cases that are broader than mathematical. Example: aligned SVGs inline because they had some textual content. Wanted to align the text not the image [2] Little chance that this will be something only math needs. These challenges are interesting in a general sense as well. *Volker: *Right now we are talking about vertical growth not ascenders and descenders growing. More serious problem: Left to Right layout you have to change the layout while you are rendering a stretchy character. Hard to describe but obvious when i see it. Fraction as a vertical shift. Potentiallyl two directions. To render a line you go from the left to the right. Once the fraction grows then you have to go back and start stretching your brackets, or similar. Not supported by CSS. *Jean: *re: CSS and the need to go forward and back... You're talking about multiple runs through to create one rendition. Browsers don't do this stuff. Formatting engines do. I could see mathJax or a web service doing this, but think the browser vendors will kick and scream over the request. *Volker: * So meaning that there's no reason to have this in the CSS spec? Yes they will but there might be other ways of doing this. How do I style my parent element based on whether or not it has a particular child? *Jean: *Choose your battles? Do you think you can get vendors on board with it in the spec? Right. Conditional stuff. But again - its the ability to look forward and look back. *Volker: *goal to get things in the spec? or figure out what is needed? Browsers aren't good at looking forward and look back in declarative languages. *Peter: *First step to collect what problems we see. But next steps are to identify the right pieces to tackle. Might be more sensible to solve with SVG group. *Dani: *Better to discuss how to discuss the examples? Wiki? *Peter: *just use the github issue tracker with a label -- individual issues labeled as layout. *Jean: *Thumbs up for a wiki - maybe a github page? Why not a github wiki page so we can see everything in context? *Peter: *does not allow to inject CSS. Not enough control. *Dani: *what is the idea to work collaboratively? people just fetch the file and edit it? *Peter:* just go to edit file and make a pull request? Lots of things available via the web interface. *Dani: * better to have each of its problems on its own page. *Peter: *if we split it on the issue tracker we can actually help people give feedback if they think it is a priority to them. Not expecting hundreds of people however. *Dani*: at the point that something is written, more people who are interested will join. [Peter had to leave. ] *Dani: *do we want to continue or just speak in two weeks? Decision was made to speak in two weeks. Dani will reformat and send examples. [1] https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/1339 [2] https://w3c.github.io/mathonwebpages/examples/display/html5.html -- *Kyrce Swenson* Solutions Manager C4 Semantic Markup: Tooling & Players C5 Structured Authoring: Proofing Pearson PLC 221 River Street, Second Floor Hoboken, NJ 07030 USA VM: +1 (201) 236 5611 M: +1 (973) 744-0741 kyrce.swenson@pearson.com *Learn more at pearson.com <http://pearson.com>* [image: Pearson] [image: Pearson Tagline] ᐧ
Received on Friday, 12 May 2017 12:54:29 UTC